We’ve invested in high-tech equipment to ensure your pet has consistently excellent treatment

If your pet ever requires extensive investigation or surgery, you can rest assured that they will be in the best possible care here at Riverside Vets.

The facilities available at our practices include:

A fully-equipped operating theatre, patients requiring surgery will have no need for transfer elsewhere.

An ECG machine, this piece of equipment can monitor your pet’s heart and identify any abnormalities that might require further action.

On-site blood and laboratory services, if we ever need to take blood or run extra tests on your pet, we can usually have the results in a matter of minutes. This includes pre-operative blood testing.

X-ray facilities, we are able to find out almost immediately whether your pet has broken a bone or swallowed something they shouldn’t have once confirmed we will be able to give them the appropriate care. In addition, our automated processors allow us to develop and view x-rays within minutes.

Ultrasound equipment, our ultrasound machines can be used to help determine a problem that may not be easily seen on the surface or with other equipment.

Blood pressure monitor, raised or lowered blood pressure can often be the first indication of a variety of different conditions, so this equipment allows us to check whether your pet might be under the weather or fighting an infection.

You can also rest assured your pet will be closely monitored throughout their investigation and during their recovery period so that they are safe and comfortable at all times. Once your pet is ready to go home, one of our experienced veterinary nurses will demonstrate how to administer any pain relief they might need, as well as how best to care for them during their recovery.

For more information about any of our facilities, or to book an appointment for your pet,

Simply give us a call for more information or to make an appointment.

You can reach us at

Livingston on 01506 437096 – Bathgate on 01506 634176

Armadale on 01501 640492